jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

My work in the project (Updated)

I have been filming, giving ideas, directing and editing the video about the poverty to make aware about the poverty and social exclusion situation in Europe. The video talks about the situation in Europe, and gives advice to help the poor people,  to stop that situation now.
I have translated many texts too (presentations, the guide...) for the weebly of the projects.

jueves, 1 de mayo de 2014

My work in the project

I have been filming, giving ideas, directing and editing the video about the poverty to make aware about the poverty and social exclusion situation in Europe. The video talks about the situation in Europe, and gives advice to help the poor people,  to stop that situation now.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

2 ideas to improve the poverty and exclusion situation in the country

Here are some advises for the politicians to slove the problem of poverty and social exclusion:

1.- You, the politicians, should help the poor people giving them a house and basical things like food, drink, clothes...
2.- You should help them giving them a work, or maybe the rich people giving them a lot of money they don't need. We should quit the classes and be all equal.

jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014

Armenian Genocide project

Adrian and I have done an interesting project about the Armenian Genocide. Here is the link http://jonadrianeleanitza.weebly.com/

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014


Here is the mindmap of the project I've done with Adrián about the Armenian Genocide